
On this page, find out how to update your voter registration information online or by mail to reflect a change of address, party affiliation, or name, or how to cancel your registration. For guidance on topics such as what to do if you move close to an election, see the section on updating your voter registration at FAQ: Voter Registration.

Changes to your registration are due by the voter registration deadline, 25 days before Election Day. If you miss the voter registration deadline, you may be eligible to make changes to your voter registration (anything other than party affiliation) when you vote in person during the early voting period. Find more information at Register in Person During Early Voting.

Update Your Registration Online

Existing N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) customers can update their voter registration through its online voter registration application. They can use the online application to update:

  • Address
  • Party affiliation

Customers may not use the online voter registration service to change their name. Find more details at Complete Your Registration Online Through the DMV.

Update Your Registration by Mail

North Carolina residents can use the voter registration application or the change form on their voter registration card to update:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Party affiliation

The application must be signed and sent to the appropriate county board of elections. A wet ink (physical) signature on the voter registration application is not required for updates. Find more details at Complete Your Registration by Mail.

Cancel Registration

Those that want to cancel their voter registration or report a deceased voter can find more information at Cancel Registration.